Cracking the Code: My Rollercoaster Ride into Open Source – The Struggle is Real!

Hey fam! Today, I want to share a bit of my journey into the tech world, and trust me, it wasn't a smooth ride. We all know that everybody struggles, and my story is no different. So, grab your cup of tea or whatever you prefer, and let's dive into it.

A couple of months ago, I had to contribute to an open source project through an outreach program. Excitement was in the air, and I thought, "Hey, this is my chance to make a mark in the coding universe." Little did I know that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges, errors, and a whole lot of "Why is this not working?" moments.

The project was hosted on GitLab, and the tech stack included Yarn Apt, and Node.js. Now, I had some experience with these tools, but I never imagined the rollercoaster ride awaiting me.

First things first, setting up GitLab on my local machine was a task. I followed the instructions step by step, but there were moments when I felt like I was reading a different language. Command after command, error after error – it was like my computer had a personal vendetta against me.

Then came Yarn and Node.js. I thought, "Piece of cake, right?" Wrong. Dependencies were missing, versions conflicted, and I felt like I was juggling code instead of solving problems. It was frustrating, to say the least. Every successful installation was followed by a sigh of relief, only to be shattered by the next roadblock.

Apt, the package manager for Linux, added its own flavor of complexity. I found myself scouring through forums, trying different combinations of commands, and praying that the software gods would bless my system with the right packages.

As the struggle continued, I realized that reaching out for help was not a sign of weakness but a smart move. I posted questions on my community forums, joined meetings with my mentors, and even reached out to fellow contributors. Turns out, I wasn't alone. Many others had faced similar challenges, and their willingness to share their experiences and solutions was a game-changer.

In the midst of the chaos, I learned the importance of persistence. Giving up was tempting, but every small victory fueled my determination. I started documenting my progress, creating a personal knowledge base for future reference. Who would have thought that error messages could be so enlightening?

Eventually, after countless trial-and-error sessions, late-night coding marathons, and a fair share of frustration-induced coffee breaks, I conquered the setup. The project was running on my machine, and I couldn't believe it. The feeling of accomplishment overshadowed the struggle, and I knew I had grown as a developer.

So, what's the takeaway from my adventure? Everybody struggles, but it's the journey that shapes us. Embrace the challenges, reach out for help, and celebrate the small victories. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, remember, the struggle is real, but so is the satisfaction of overcoming it. Keep coding, keep learning, and most importantly, keep pushing through the struggles. You got this!


  1. Please suggest us some tips and mistakes to avoid to get selected as outreach intern. What did you do different this time which guaranteed your selection?


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